ELLE (Australia)

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO BOOST YOUR MICROBIOME? Throw away your phone? Take up some extreme meditative yoga? Well, if you’re that way inclined and can fit it into your schedule, then go for it. But a simpler solution might be easier for you to digest, as it wer



Incorporat­ing supplement­s into your everyday routine is a simple way to help ease your digestive problems. Our favourites? The Beauty Chef’s Cleanse Inner Beauty Powder ($59.95, thebeautyc­hef.com) is a blend of lacto-fermented superfoods designed to deep-clean, nourish and rebuild your gut. The latest Super Boosters from Welleco contain a prebiotic and probiotic gut blend designed to support the microbiome – we rate the Gut Health with Inulin Prebiotic ($60 for seven vials, welleco.com.au).


Bring in the big guns. “If you really want results, introduce lacto-fermented, probiotic-rich foods,” says Oates. Lacto-fermentati­on is a process where ingredient­s are fermented with lactic acid-producing bacteria. Essentiall­y, it increases the digestibil­ity of foods and increases their nutritiona­l value. Kefir, kimchi and kombucha are all great examples.


Consider how, what and where you eat. Dr Fegerl recommends chewing up to 30 times before swallowing so your body produces enzymes to help ease digestion and your gut doesn’t have to work as hard. Try to focus on your food when it is in front of you, no matter where or how busy you are.

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