Fast Bikes


After years of badgering, our Chaz finally takes to the road – just like the rest of us. But first he’s got to pass his bike test!


It’s always surprising just how many racers don’t have road licences for two wheels. Or maybe not, considerin­g these days most begin so young and get used to run off, rather than HGVs. Those that bother usually take their time about it, just like Chaz Davies, ex world champion, factory Ducati pilot and, of course, Fast Bikes’ columnist. Over the near ten years he’s been writing for us, we have pestered him about joining the rest of us mere mortals on the road. Then he signed with Ducati, who got behind the idea, and between them, 90-One Training, us and Chaz we got the ball rolling. Quite soon after, he and race-aide James were kitted up in the finest fluoro yellow and ready to rock. So, over to Chaz.

“I must say”, said Chaz, “a road licence, it just has to be done, doesn’t it? I’ve always said I’ll do it in winter, but it never happens. I said I wouldn’t do it in the season, but now this is the seventh day of eight days of riding, and four of those were on track in Imola! So, here I am doing it a few days before my home race. I was staying at James’ place a few months back, looking at bikes and we realised we really did need a licence, didn’t we? So we said why not do it. Stop talking about it and just commit, email Ducati and get it set. So we dropped everything, booked it and are here banging it out now. Finally!

“It’s so different on the road. The slow part of the riding is fine, the riding part is fine, but it’s the looking around and constantly checking,

it went well, bar the four minors for going too slow! ”

constantly having your wits about you that means it’s a different game all together. Even on a test, a scooter pulled out of nowhere, I didn’t see it and thought I’d cocked it up. I had no idea where that guy had come from at all!

“Compared to driving a car where you can relax a bit and listen to the radio, you need to think about things on a bike. One of the hard things for me is the speed perception, especially coming off the track from Imola – and not having driven in the meantime, it’s really tough. I have no idea if I’m doing 50, 80 or 120mph! On track, you just don’t know as sometimes when you’re going really fast it feels slow. On the road it’s harder to gauge, short of looking at the speedo.

“I can see the enjoyment that comes with riding on the road though, and especially living where I do in mid-Wales. It’s somewhere that you should have a licence, as loads of people go ripping around Wales for fun, and I’m looking forward to riding somewhere just for a coffee.

“With the test, I was pretty nervous during it but my trainer, Paul, taught me well. He has done a great job, in a good way, bit by bit until it all comes together. Yesterday I realised I felt pretty comfortabl­e, though the test was a bit different. It was Friday afternoon and everyone was going home from work. It was a bit hectic in places, more than it had been on any other day. But it went well, bar four minors for going too slow!

“As I said, shit perception of speed and erring on the side of caution a bit as well. But passing was the aim of the day. When you’re out and about you can use the speed limits to get by, but in the test you concentrat­e so not to go that 1mph over, which will fail the test. I still think it’s funny I went too slow, mind you!

“A race weekend is hard, thinking corner by corner to find another nothing of a second. The road is all about safety with a million other people around you who don’t have your safety in mind, rather trying to get in the next gap. Everyone’s out to get you pretty much, so maybe not so different from track after all. I’m 27 now, and wish I had done my licence earlier, but it’s also a great age to do it. I can’t wait to be able to enjoy getting out there on a sunny day, and anyone else thinking about it, stop thinking and go do it, it’s ace!” So say we all, mate, and well done!

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