Fast Bikes



The aim is to be as light, flexible, functional and strong as possible, in relation to your own bike and class. Using James Rispoli as an example moving from a 1,000cc to a 600cc means we’re going to have to cut some of his muscle and weight down!

Always overreach when training – it’s much better to have 10% left in the tank on the last lap of a race!

The mental strength is as important as the physical strength – and they go hand in hand. Not only does eating well and training well make you stronger, but releases positive endorphins!

8% body fat is about the optimum, but anything under 15% is good. This will save you weight and make riding a hell of a lot easier!

Diet wise, running into a weekend you need to be topping up your glycogen levels. Upping carbs, like sweet potato, brown rice and plenty of fruit. You want to fill up the tank. Friday, Saturday, Sunday you want to be keeping that tank topped up. Riding a superbike is hard work and is massively physical, just like a gym session, which means that re-synthesisi­ng is vital. Without a recovery or management it will go downhill from the Friday!

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