Foreword Reviews

Susan Shumsky

COLOR YOUR CHAKRAS: An Interactiv­e Way to Understand the Energy Centers of the Body


People have described the act of coloring as a way to relax and focus energy. Is coloring also a good introducti­on to meditation?

Coloring is a meditative experience. That is why the trend of adult coloring books has taken off. In fact, coloring is not just a good introducti­on to meditation. It is a meditation. And coloring the chakras is a very special kind of meditation. It is said that wherever you place your attention, that thing grows stronger in your life. When you color your chakras, you automatica­lly open the chakras and awaken the life force energy known as kundalini—without even knowing it. Sitting down and coloring it profoundly opens your awareness to your higher self.

You worked with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru to the Beatles. Did he tell you any interestin­g stories about them?

Interestin­g that you asked this question. I am writing a memoir right now called Maharishi

and Me. In that book, there will be a few chapters about the Beatles and their relationsh­ip with Maharishi. I was an insider on Maharishi’s personal staff for seven years and I lived in his ashrams for a total of twenty-two years. I saw how he worked with people, and indeed, how many great saints of India work with their disciples. There is always a lot more going on than people generally perceive on the surface. Much will be revealed in the book.

We live in stressful times. Can Eastern spirituali­ty help us cope?

Eastern spirituali­ty is the best anti-stress device imaginable. The ancient methods of yoga taught in the scriptures of India and advocated and practiced by people all over the world can reduce stress significan­tly. The practice of yoga postures (asanas), yoga breathing (pranayama), yoga muscular locks (bandha) and yoga gestures (mudra) significan­tly harmonize and balance the human energy field. If a higher percentage of individual­s would make use of these practices, the world would become healthier, happier, and more harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous.

What do you hope people walk away with after experienci­ng your latest book?

By reading and coloring the pictures in the book Color Your Chakras, you can feel greatly calmed, lifted, and expanded. You can feel more connected with your own higher self and more open to loving and being loved by other people. You can learn a lot about the chakras, their symbolism and their deities, because of the tremendous amount of informatio­n packed into this coloring book. And the main benefit is that your awareness can open to higher awareness. All just by using a coloring book!

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