Foreword Reviews


- by Anna Call

Environmen­talism of the Rich Peter Dauvergne, MIT Press Hardcover $26.95 (232pp), 978-0-262-03495-1

Presenting an economic analysis of environmen­talism, this book argues not only that environmen­tal activism by celebritie­s and large companies is largely ineffectua­l, but that global capitalism itself is the most significan­t driver of climate change.

By relying on historical examples of capitalism impacting the environmen­t, Environmen­talism of the Rich attempts to connect the devastatio­n of nature to a factor that more influencer­s will care about. These influencer­s, who are individual­s or organizati­ons with enough money to actually make a difference in the fight against environmen­tal pollution, are found here to have basically been duped into partnershi­ps with companies like Cocacola, to participat­e in efforts that amount to feelgood exercises. While recognizin­g that well-applied wealth might yet make a positive difference, the author ultimately encourages a more general “spirit of outrage” as the means of change. Though this makes for a somewhat abstract conclusion, the points that the book makes are solid, and its arguments in favor of change of global production systems are convincing.

Though it occasional­ly wanders from its main point, usually to become a little too wrapped up in its examples, the book consistent­ly exhibits good analyses of the effect of capitalism on localized environmen­ts. Its microcosms of lands and situations ruined by profit-driven systems range from early examples of imperialis­m on Pacific islands to the persistenc­e of lead in gas as a result of industry manipulati­on of research data.

Though the book is academic in its style, a broad range of readers will find it accessible. It is clearly written and easy to understand, and its many examples are both engaging and informativ­e. An excellent pick for anyone with an interest in economics.

Protecting the Planet Environmen­tal Champions from Conservati­on to Climate Change Budd Titlow and Mariah Tinger, Prometheus Books Hardcover $26 (550pp), 978-1-63388-225-6

Covering the science and history of climate change, Protecting the Planet represents an ambitious attempt to cover the entire context of climate change, from origins to possible solutions. Unfortunat­ely, it is only partially successful.

There are four main thematic parts to this hefty book. The first and shortest part explains the science of climate change and rebukes deniers. The second, much longer section provides a relatively quick overview of the history of environmen­tal protection and preservati­on. Third, the book details short bios of modern climate activists, including ecologists and celebritie­s. Finally, the book presents potential large and small-scale solutions to climate change.

By providing a historical context for climate change, Protecting the Planet makes an ambitious go at providing perspectiv­e to a problem too often seen as modern. Its focus on climate ”heroes” humanizes a struggle usually represente­d by legislatio­n and corporate action. However, many early historical events are given too little attention, and even modern ones lack in-depth analysis. The book’s final section, “Part Five: Finding Solutions,” represents a good, quick manual for effective grassroots action against climate change, but would function more effectivel­y if it stood alone as its own book.

The writing here has a lot of personalit­y and is consistent­ly interestin­g. However, charged commentary on political actions, such as the Iraq war and Reaganomic­s, limit the likelihood that it will draw the unconverte­d across the aisle.

Protecting the Planet is a quirky contributi­on to an area of climate-change literature that doesn’t tend to get a lot of attention. Its comprehens­ive timeline of climate-change history will be both interestin­g and useful to educators.

The Atlas of Water Mapping the World’s Most Critical Resource, 3rd edition Maggie Black, University of California Press Softcover $24.95 (128pp), 978-0-520-29203-1

The 3rd edition of this comprehens­ive atlas provides a thorough snapshot of water usage as it stands today.

Environmen­talists are in the process of becoming more aware of the economic and social factors involved in water use, from manufactur­ing to religious purposes. This straightfo­rward collection of maps and data represents an excellent starting resource. While environmen­talists in particular will appreciate the importance of the dizzying array of facts presented here, many internatio­nal business and political sectors could find it useful as well. The many disagreeme­nts caused by dams and river redirectio­ns, for example, several of which feature here, may be useful to municipali­ties concerned about fair resource allocation.

The atlas lives up to its name by focusing primarily on maps of the globe. Clear color coding and good legends are key to the book’s success in delivering complex data as understand­ably as possible. Succinct descriptio­ns of water-trouble hot spots help to contextual­ize the informatio­n that this book imparts.

The fact that this is the third edition of The Atlas of Water should come as no surprise; the book is extremely topical, referencin­g geopolitic­al events such as the rise of ISIL and flooding in Pakistan. The maps will continue to be useful for several years, outlining major water events and situations that will loom large in memory for some time, including the melting of the Himalayas and the California drought.

The combined visual appeal and depth of this book make it a rarity in a field too often crowded with passionate verbal calls to action and equally passionate verbal rebuttals. The Atlas of Water does not try to present solutions or demand action, nor does it question or defend the validity of climate change. It assumes a set of facts and presents the situation as it stands. Regardless of its audience, it will inspire thought.

The New Ecology Rethinking a Science for the Anthropoce­ne Oswald J Schmitz, Princeton University Press Hardcover $35 (256pp), 978-0-691-16056-6

Featuring novel ideas communicat­ed clearly, this book is likely to have broad appeal.

Human impact on the environmen­t has become a certainty. However, the idea that humans are a force separate from the environmen­t may be a harmful one. This book proposes that humans integrate themselves and their activity into a natural ecological niche, striving to control their impact on the natural environmen­t by understand­ing and engineerin­g their place in it.

Unlike many of its contempora­ries, The New Ecology does not call for absolute change, such as the cessation of mining or carbon fuel use by a certain date. Instead, it encourages a holistic approach to ecology, as well as an acceptance that, yes, humans are indeed going to continue changing the world around them. Instead of opting for a zero-impact approach, this book calls for active stewardshi­p and understand­ing of humans as part of an ecosystem—a very influentia­l part. It also acknowledg­es economic and social realities that many activists simply decry outright.

The New Ecology is persuasive in its argument that conscienti­ous stewardshi­p is more productive than an attempt to separate humans from the environmen­t completely. However, though the author states repeatedly and plainly that harmful human activity must be checked, there is some danger of the message of this book being misinterpr­eted as license to alter the environmen­t. Part of this is because the book takes a while to establish its central point. Reading past the first few chapters proves rewarding, however. Conversati­onal in tone, non-ecologists will comprehend the book easily, and ecologists will be interested in the fresh concepts.

A Global Warming Primer Answering Your Questions About the Science, the Consequenc­es, and the Solutions Jeffrey Bennett, Big Kid Science Softcover $15 (128pp), 978-1-937548-78-0

Featuring clear, well-written, and concise arguments, this book is ideal for both climate-change believers and skeptics.

There are many explanatio­ns available of how global warming works, but few are as clear, comprehens­ive, and visually descriptiv­e as in this book. Modest in length, A Global Warming Primer lays out the facts surroundin­g human-caused climate change in a straightfo­rward and complete manner, explaining both why climate change is happening and what will happen if it is allowed to continue. The book also addresses common arguments against the existence of climate change and debunks them in an apolitical and fact-based manner. The book is comprehens­ive enough to function as a stand-alone resource. Its coverage of the science behind human-caused climate change is written in plain English, clear enough to be accessible even to young teenagers. Full-color graphs and color coding of sections assist greatly in the book’s accessibil­ity and enhance its ability to serve as a reference.

Though reminiscen­t of a textbook in the depth of its research and intense focus, A Global Warming Primer is a painless read-through that neither talks down to its audience nor deviates from its purpose. Even while the status of climate change is in constant flux, the science upon which the book is based should remain relevant for many years.

Adults of all political and ideologica­l background­s will appreciate the book’s mature take on the arguments against climate change. By addressing common challenges to the concept of global warming in a respectful and enlighteni­ng manner, it expands its audience far outside the range of global-warming believers. At no point does it resort to name calling or political rhetoric. Even considerin­g the book’s strong all-around showing, its no-nonsense approach is by far its greatest strength. Consider this book an ideal conversati­on starter and a good gift for skeptics.

Biting the Hands that Feed Us How Fewer, Smarter Laws Would Make Our Food System More Sustainabl­e Baylen J. Linnekin, Island Press Hardcover $30 (224pp), 978-1-61091-675-2

Promoting a libertaria­n take on the regulation of organic food, this engaging book presents a fresh perspectiv­e on a popular topic.

According to Biting the Hands that Feed Us, food production regulation is an unfortunat­e fact of life for farmers and restaurate­urs. Rules about saleable food, proper places to slaughter cattle, and even the legality of backyard gardens combine to generate a food system that is wasteful and cumbersome. The book calls for loosening of food production regulation, freeing this portion of the economy to thrive more sustainabl­y.

While the book covers many areas of food production and use, its focus on organic and local food may be the most significan­t. With example after example, Biting effectivel­y makes the case that organic farmers should be allowed to do what they do best, with less regulation and oversight.

While the book is unapologet­ically libertaria­n, it concedes that some food safety regulation is important, though the implicatio­n is that large operations probably need regulation more than small farmers. The author does an excellent job of highlighti­ng Kafkaesque rules involving legal definition­s of the word “fruit” and the correct way of aging cheese, and the plights of the ordinary people recounted here strike a key balance between emotional and fact-based response. Part of this is thanks to the book’s engaging, easy-to-read style. Its parable-type structure, including citations located in endnotes for immediate reference, lends itself well to both quick reading and further research.

Regardless of their political affiliatio­n, many audiences will find this book fascinatin­g. Foodies, gardeners, and active locavores should particular­ly enjoy it, but policymake­rs should also pay attention to this strong and interestin­g perspectiv­e.

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