Foreword Reviews

In the Name of Emmett Till: How the Children of the Mississipp­i Freedom Struggle Showed Us Tomorrow


Robert H. Mayer, Newsouth Books (SEP 14) Hardcover $24.95 (224pp), 978-1-58838-437-9 In the Name of Emmett Till shares the inspiring history of Mississipp­i’s early civil rights activists.

The book opens with a timeline of early civil rights events before it tells the stories of people who were spurred to action by the brutal murder of Emmett Till, a young Northerner who was unaware of social mores in the segregated South. There was intense national media coverage of his battered body and trial, but a biased, all-white jury made up entirely of men let his suspected murderers go free. The event made it impossible to ignore systematic violence and injustice directed against Black Americans. Indeed, Emmett Till’s 1955 murder sparked passion in young people to fight the racism and inequality that Black people faced daily.

The book highlights powerful stories of individual­s like the Ladner sisters, Amos Brown, and Johnny Frazier, who instigated sit-ins, freedom rides, marches, and boycotts. It also includes the moving story of a girl whose rape pushed her into a life of prostituti­on until involvemen­t in civil rights gave her purpose; she transforme­d into a university professor. It details the risks that people took, and the uncertaint­y and brutality they faced, to fight for their communitie­s. And it shows how brave acts transforme­d lives and empowered others to work for justice, voting rights, and desegregat­ion, feeding a movement that improved life for millions.

These stories of courage, conviction, and results demonstrat­e the impact that a single person can have on their community. A detailed bibliograp­hy, notes, glossary, and illustrati­ons support the text, which features anonymous writings from people who were changed by what they learned in Freedom Schools, which fostered a legacy of activism.

In the compelling history text In the Name of Emmett Till, the bold actions of regular people are shown to have led to social change. WENDY HINMAN

September/october 2021

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