Foreword Reviews

The Longest Story: How Humans Have Loved, Hated and Misunderst­ood Other Species


Richard Girling, Oneworld Publicatio­ns (OCT 12) Hardcover $30 (416pp), 978-0-86154-056-3

Richard Girling’s The Longest Story is a social science examinatio­n of the relationsh­ips between humans and animals—a topic that’s seldom considered, but is close at hand and environmen­tally relevant.

To varying degrees, human proximity to animals has tended to result in conflicted, vexing, or loving relationsh­ips. This intriguing history of those relationsh­ips, which covers symbiosis, predation, and apathy, comes via linked essays. These cover ancient civilizati­ons, the rise of Christiani­ty, the advent of environmen­tal conservati­on, and the destructio­n of deforestat­ion.

The book’s chronologi­cal parts cover historical eras, featuring the kinds of people who dominated then, like hunters, thinkers, and geneticist­s. They hint at such people’s views of animals, showing that shifting human roles indicate that it’s people who have changed, not animals. Even as the book dispels the notion that human-animal relationsh­ips have always been as they are now, it indicates that they are likely to change in the future, too. The personas of “savior and slaughters” may characteri­ze humans’ polarized role now, but they also serve as an implicit call to action, to pick a side.

With succinct diction and strong imagery (the book encapsulat­es human evolution with “Arms shorten, legs lengthen, necks stretch”), this is a book that is mythic in scope and style. Beginning with images of humans and animals walking together, it works toward a stunning conclusion about where humans should look for wisdom: “It is to those who swing above us in the trees.”

The text invites contemplat­ion on how humans and animals can right what is wrong in the environmen­t and live in harmony without becoming utopian: there’s much work to be done, Girling knows, and some damage can never be undone. The Longest Story is an enlighteni­ng nature book about the complex relationsh­ips between animals and humans. MELISSA WUSKE

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