
THE GOONER | est. 1987



onlinegoon­er. com • @ Goonerfanz­ine KEVIN WHITCHER

FAVOURITE COVER When the club left Highbury in 2006, there was only ever going to be one theme for the front cover. The issue sold out in double- quick time, and looking at this one again over 13 years on, it still moves the heart. No words necessary.

STANDOUT MOMENT Generally the club don’t involve themselves with us, but ahead of the 1993 FA Cup Final, Arsenal spotted an idea from one of our contributo­rs to mimic the huge mosaic card display that Barcelona fans had created at Wembley for the 1992 European Cup Final. They got in touch and arranged for the printing, and

then enlisted our help to put the cards on seats the day before. MEMORABLE PLAYER/ MANAGER INCIDENT

Chatting with a slightly worse- for- wear Steve Bould at the 89 premiere after- party, he asked me whether I was in favour of Arsene Wenger – this, during the latter’s final year. When I said that I thought it was time the club looked for a new boss, he responded by telling the barman, “Get this man a drink!”

MOST IMPORTANT STORY A piece protesting Arsenal’s Debenture Bond scheme, when they converted the North Bank terrace into a two- tier seated stand after the 1991- 92 season. They priced out a huge number of supporters, and it was the beginning of an incredible rise in ticket prices that changed the nature of match- going fans at Arsenal. It was a significan­t moment in how the club developed, and a huge reason why Highbury became known as ‘ the Library’ to away fans.

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