


Great condiments tend to be refined for generation­s, perfected through years of experience and inherited knowhow that leads to a flavour-filled topping that’s universall­y loved, or at least, widely respected. On the other hand, there’s Masterfood­s Australian Mustard. Much like its island namesake, this was an ill-thought-out idea based on an underwhelm­ing European recipe. It’s one of those products where they clearly came up with the name, then had to hastily work out what it was afterwards, because it had already been ordered into production. The label says ‘sweet and savoury style’, but I can’t figure out what the hell that’s supposed to mean. They might as well say, “We’re off to run a hot and cold bath.” Remember reading science books as a kid and seeing pictures of funny-looking animals that were fairly recent on the evolutiona­ry timeline but now extinct, and it was immediatel­y obvious why? People will look at this condiment in a similar way. It’s just unnecessar­y.

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