
Say hello to daniella cassimatis from the oogars


How did the band come to be? None of us knew each other beforehand. I crossed paths with Tanisha at uni. Three years later, Emily and Tanisha met at a rooftop bar on the Gold Coast and instantly bonded. A little while later, Emily randomly met Gemma at a house party and, eventually, we were all standing in a garage with pots, pans and an out-of-tune guitar, making noise, not music. What’s the music scene like where you are? We all live in the Northern Rivers region, so the music and arts culture is quite rich, but there aren’t many venues to play. In saying that, the Gold Coast and Brisbane are thriving with talented, incredible people, so we feel lucky to be so close to those cities. What influences your music? We all have pretty different taste in music, which definitely helps the diversity of our tunes. The lyrics from our upcoming EP were influenced by the waves and emotions of breaking out of societal norms. What’s your favourite Oogarsrela­ted memory? We’re really close friends, so I could write a novel about all the knee-slapping, tear-jerking memories we’ve created, but I definitely have vivid memories of touring Basque Country in Spain. We drank the most delicious wine, ate pinxtos, basked in the sun naked and played to the most enthusiast­ic crowds. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done to make a crust? We were saving hard for a single release and got offered a random gig at a dumpling festival. Thankfully, it got cancelled and we still got our cancellati­on fee! If you could magically acquire one skill, what would it be? Being a permacultu­re wizard and knowing everything about the land.

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