
First times, last times with wolfjay


First time you picked up an instrument? I have a photo of me at three playing a plastic toy guitar with a Madonna-esque headset microphone on. Last time you blurted out your feelings? On a Zoom call with a friend a few months ago. I vented about a shitty situation and it turned out they were in the exact same boat! First time you rocked out on stage? At 16 playing bass with an indie band called Brazen Kids. We were supposed to be second on a four-band line-up, but the two bands after us bailed, so we ended up headlining. Last time you got butterflie­s? At the airport waiting to get on the plane to LA. Career-wise it was a big move, and financiall­y it was a huge risk, and we were just starting to hear reports that COVID might be a dangerous thing. That was a wild moment, stepping onto a long-haul flight, not knowing what the world would look like when we landed. First time you really found your sound? I’m still not sure I have. There’s always somewhere new I’m trying to reach. First it was synths, then huge, echo-y guitar parts, and now everything’s very, very clean. Last time you learnt something new? I’m trying to learn about compressio­n and EQ with guitar. After years of figuring out how strange I can make my sound, I’m just trying to get good at the basics now. First time your parents commented on your music? My parents are under strict instructio­ns to not ask questions or comment on any of my music, but I think they like what I do. My songs are pretty personal, and it’s so hard to write if I think I’m going to have to justify or explain something to them later. A healthy amount of distance is best for everyone.

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