Gardening Australia



Prune frosted plants, cutting o damaged material back to green wood, then feed and water to stimulate new growth

Plant cordylines, coleus and crotons in semi-shady areas for tropical colour

Feed and water bulbs that have just nished

owering – don’t be tempted to prune them until they die back naturally

Clean out your replace and sprinkle a little ash (above) near seedlings to deter slugs and snails Plant summer- owering perennials in borders and pots

Look out for suckers forming at the base of grafted plants, and rub o young shoots

Refresh the mulch under roses to reduce splash of fungal spores

Plant daylily, gladioli, bearded iris, Solomon’s seal, belladonna, canna and lilium

Trim shabby geraniums (below) and use cuttings to propagate new plants

Separate establishe­d pups from mother bromeliads and plant in pots of orchid mix

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