Gardening Australia



Keep garden water features free of dirt, algae and pests by cleaning them out every month or so. Before you start, turn off any pumps and fountains, and remove stones, shells or statues. Use a stiff brush to scrub the sides and base. If water restrictio­ns permit, blast out debris and dirty water with a sharp jet of water from the hose. Otherwise, clean the water feature by hand (wear waterproof gloves), then refill as permitted. Check the filters and pumps to make sure they’re in good working order. An old toothbrush is handy for scrubbing the working parts of the pump.

Continue deadheadin­g roses (above) to encourage new autumn buds to form

Fertilise lawns so they can achieve maximum growth before the cool weather arrives

Prune bottlebrus­h stems just behind the old flowers

Take advantage of any autumn rains by spreading a fresh layer of mulch over beds after they’ve had a good soaking

Cover shaded ponds with firmly fixed netting to catch autumn leaves before they foul the water

Check for signs of surface ‘puddling’ and poor water penetratio­n when watering, then treat affected soil with a wetting agent

Pot up some hummingbir­d mint (Agastache spp.) to add long-lasting colour to the autumn garden

Collect wattle seeds from ripe pods and soak them overnight in warm water before sowing

Remove dead flower heads from agapanthus and dietes to thwart their attempts at spreading

Install an insect hotel to encourage a range of pollinator­s to take up residence in your garden

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