Gardening Australia

Solve the crossword and go into the draw to win one of eight Aqua Blade window cleaner sets, each valued at $69.95

Put the kettle on – it’s time to relax! Solve our puzzle to be in the running to win an Aqua Blade window cleaner set



7. Tropical Asian plant yielding a yellow dye (8)

9. Name for choko in the US (7)

10. Large marsupial (abbrev.) (3)

11. Aromatic plant from which early settlers in Australia prepared a beverage (3-4) 12. Doodia aspera or … (4,4)

13. Peach whose pit is easily separated from the flesh (9)

14. Dated name for an ophthalmol­ogist (7) 17. Michaelmas daisy, for one (5)

19. A bower formed by plants, often on a trellis (6)

20. Showers, sprinkles (6)

22. One after fourth (5)

24. Hybrid shrub with a distinctiv­e scent (3,4)

25. Pruning instrument (9)

29. The food of the gods; the elixir of life (8)

32. Supervised (7)

33. Piece of turf (3)

34. Less common word for foliage (7) 35. Small, sweet, copper-skinned onion (8)


1. Tropical American tree and its fruit (7,5) (Picture A)

2. Fungal decay of timber (3,3)

3. Filter, hide (6)

4. Pebbly-skinned avocado (4)

5. Driver or putter, for example (4,4) 6. Support, carry (4)

8. Least generous (7)

9. Buoyant bark of an oak (4)

15. The husks of grains and grasses separated from the seed (5)

16. Southern European wormwood also called lad’s love (12)

18. Flowers popular on St Valentine’s Day (5) (Picture B)

21. Of, or relating to, the land or its cultivatio­n (8)

23. Southern African native cultivated for its fragrant, tubular flowers (7) (Picture C)

26. Waterweed used in aquariums (6) 27. Means, medium (6)

28. Ornamental flower holder (4) 30. Extract sap from a tree (4)

31. Stately waterbird (4)

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