Gardening Australia



Wattles (Acacia spp.) are short-lived, fast-growing trees that are good to use for quick screens or as starter plants while slower ones get into gear. Many flower between early winter and spring, so look for them blooming in gardens near you, and go back later to collect some seed. They are easy to germinate, as JANE EDMANSON demonstrat­es.


● dry seed pods

● glass jar

● seed-raising container

● perlite

● coarse river sand

1 GATHER some seed pods from a tree. Always ask for permission if you’d like to take pods from a tree in a private garden. 2 CHOOSE pods that are brown, dry, and just starting to open and release seed. That way you can be certain the seed is fully mature and ready to grow.

3 PLACE seeds in a glass jar and cover with near-boiling water, then leave them soaking until the water cools. This heat treatment is necessary to allow moisture to penetrate the hard seed coat.

4 SPRINKLE seeds onto the surface of a free-draining propagatio­n mix in a seed-raising container – a 50:50 blend of perlite and coarse river sand is ideal.

5 FIRM seeds gently into propagatio­n mix to create good contact, then lightly cover with sieved sand or perlite to a depth that is about the same thickness as the seed.

6 LABEL the container, and water gently. Place in a warm, protected spot and keep moist. When the seeds germinate and the seedlings are large enough to handle, carefully prick them out and pot into small containers filled with premium potting mix.

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