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Steering city to new era

Futurist explains how Geelong can harness change


GREEN spaces, dazzling architectu­re, good transport options and public safety.

They are some of the key elements of the favourite cities of renowned futurist Professor Sohail Inayatulla­h (pictured).

The inaugural chair of future studies with UNESCO lists Singapore, Geneva and Barcelona as a few of his favourite places.

Having travelled the globe presenting on futures thinking and strategy developmen­t for decades, Prof Inayatulla­h is uniquely placed to help Geelong enter a new era.

He will be in Geelong this week for a series of workshops, culminatin­g in a public event in The Playhouse at GPAC on Thursday night.

Prof Inayatulla­h said future planning for the region hinged on three main areas: how to position the city for dramatic change, finding a niche and fostering innovation.

“Internatio­nal urbanist Richard Florida says the best cities have talent, technology and tolerance,” he said. The message is simple: “Adapt or disappear . . . transform and create value or be Kodaked”.

Looking at the successes of other cities, and the global challenges each of them faces, would be high on this week’s agenda.

“Those include an ageing society, increasing costs of energy, new smart technologi­es, creating the sharing city (to allow sharing of resources), challenges to representa­tive democracy and a lack of ability to influence global events.”

Prof Inayatulla­h said the public workshop, focusing on emerging issues and global trends would also include concepts relevant for households and small businesses.

City of Greater Geelong’s chief administra­tor Kathy Alexander said the public forum would help inform residents ahead of the creation of a longterm strategic plan for the mu- nicipality. “This workshop will arm us as a community with knowledge about the global issues we face, and the innovative ways we can address them,” Dr Alexander said.

“Sohail will be making a dynamic visual presentati­on that will help us think about the future changes that will impact us personally, as well as our community, our industries and our city.”

The free event will be held on Thursday from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

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