Geelong Advertiser

Crims get an easy ride


Crime in Geelong is on the rise with spikes in both violent and property crime driving the rate up 21.5 per cent.

This country is on a downhill slide fast, getting out of control. Ché Monro

Andrews Government is asleep at the wheel fixing level crossings. Police force needs to be doubled in high crime areas to wrestle back control and make the community feel safe again. Matthew

No wonder I avoid the CBD, it’s a lot scarier now than years ago. Jean Graham

Does the initiative include locking up criminals? Nick Moore

No bloody kidding. Police catch them, magistrate lets them go. What? Wendy van Vledder

Not surprising really, people are getting worse. The leniency that the courts show towards these silly people certainly isn’t helping. Lauren Parmenter

We need a stronger police presence. Have needed one for years. Leigh Vincent Keegan

We all knew this five years ago. Nathan Campbell

No consequenc­e, just go visit the courts on any given day. Carolyne Booth

With the smashing of the manufactur­ing industry, this is just the beginning. Zac

I would like to know how many police cars we have for patrolling the streets in the Geelong area. It seems that we don’t have enough police on the streets. Response times are very slow. Maybe more resources are needed. Isabelle

And yet there are so many people out there who move on with their lives without destroying others’. Mark

No revenue from chasing this type of criminal; far more money in traffic offences and jaywalkers. The original purpose of our police force was to keep law and order and protect the people, now raising revenue appears to be the priority. Galah

Only way to cut this is zero tolerance. The courts constantly give these thieves and thugs a rap on the knuckles and community service time. Too easy these days. Even when they get time, it’s like a country club, with internet and good food and no deterrent at all. Make them do hard labour without any privileges and feed them basic food — like many pensioners have to eat to survive. Society has lost respect. Russell

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