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If you didn’t sign up to be the hero, don’t worry, the real heroes never do. They get roped into doing the right thing. And by their own heartstrin­gs, lacking the stomach for cowardice, they keep up the trend.


Your workload will be intense today, but so will be your energy. The extent of determinat­ion will be tested. What they don’t know is that you’ll never give up. For as long as you can hang in there, you will.


You combine that bright intellect with the human touch to unbeatable effect. The tendency to include everyone, even (and especially!) those who don’t fit in is part of your enormous charm.


Each person has a level of untidiness they are willing to accept. Woe to the people who go beyond that point today, as you’re in no mood to let it slide. This is true of both your emotional and your physical world.


This is one of those fast-paced days when you’ll feel that life is getting out of hand ... or maybe you’re just realising that it never really was in your hands in the first place.


A different frame doesn’t change the picture per say, but it changes how we look at the picture. Experiment with this concept as you’re in a position to direct someone’s attention.


For you, the hardest part of being tolerant is tolerating the intolerant. It’s part of the work though, and you’ll regret it if you let someone’s uncongenia­l attitude get under your skin.


You like to interact with those who are confident in their knowledge. It is far less favourable to interact with those who rigidly assume that their way is the only correct way.


Maybe there are no stupid questions, but there are definitely questions that open new worlds. And there are also questions that open cans of worms.


There’s nothing you could say to make someone understand better than they do at this moment. It’s not your fault; it’s the nature of maturity. People can’t mature faster than they do. Give love, not words.


Your life has been full of surprises and serendipit­y and it’s about to get even more interestin­g in that regard. The more people you know, the more likely you are to run into someone you know.


There are many who ask for good advice who won’t follow it. Maybe what they are looking for is not advice so much as validation, support and a general sense that they are not in this alone.

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