Geelong Advertiser

Bracksy’s in the zone


KARDINIA Park Trust chairman Steve Bracks’s wish for 11 home games in Geelong would be a hoot not just for Cats fans, but for the City’s parking coffers, too. Today in this exclusive (*see legal disclaimer at end of column), the Payneful Truth lifts the lid on secret discussion­s that took place his week between Bracksy and the City that went something like this:

BRACKSY: We need 11 home games at Kardinia Park. It will be the best thing since I did the adverts for the desal plant when I was premier, hanging out of a helicopter like an action hero.

CoGG: Wow, imagine the extra parking revenue those games could create. Top idea. Let’s get behind it.

BRACKSY: Some fans may catch a bus, although they don’t run late at night down here so I suppose most people will have to drive, which is expensive when you add it all up. CoGG: What’s a bus? BRACKSY: Economical form of mass transit, great for people in outlying areas of your municipali­ty so they don’t need to drive their cars into the City and pay for parking all the time.

CoGG: Sounds great for anyone without a taxpayer funded car or car park pass — why would they see parking fees as exorbitant in the first place?

BRACKSY: Well … let’s say they park in Geelong five days a week for 48 weeks a year at $9.50 a day, that would cost them $2280. On top of their rates. CoGG: Lot of money isn’t it!” (PAYNEFUL TRUTH: YES IT BLOODY WELL IS AND THEY DON’T EVEN DETAIL YOUR CAR AT HAYMARKET, WHICH IS OUTRAGEOUS).

BRACKSY: Think of all the things you could do with that kind of revenue.

CoGG: Pay more parking inspectors, issue more infringeme­nts, or . . .

BRACKSY: Keep community libraries open? CoGG: Steve, please. BRACKSY: What about using that revenue to fund a campaign for better bus services?

CoGG: We’re too busy funding lobby groups to lobby for things that people really want. Like a convention centre with a very, very big paid car park.

BRACKSY: Right, I have to fly, my chopper’s here. CoGG: Why didn’t you drive? BRACKSY: Because the hospital helipad is FREE PARKING. Boom boom. *This is a fictitious conversati­on (except the Haymarket bit which is FACT) because we all know that all levels of government are efficient, logical, transparen­t and wonderful.

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