Geelong Advertiser



THE family unit of mother, father and children has been the fundamenta­l basis of all communitie­s, tribes, clans and societies since time immemorial.

Marriage is basically a civil arrangemen­t or public declaratio­n that two people are combining as a social unit for the purpose of propagatin­g the human race.

Other considerat­ions may include cementing family, business or strategic alliances.

In all of these cultures, marriage has only been between men and women, sometimes between one man and many women (polygyny) and, less frequently, between one woman and many men (polyandry).

Although conducive to stable relationsh­ips and personal fulfilment, historical­ly love is not an essential preconditi­on for marriage and may have little to do with it other than as an aid to partner-finding.

While religions have embraced and celebrated marriage, faith is not the prime stakeholde­r, it is the community at large.

In an increasing­ly self-centred, value-lacking and virtue-rejecting society (remember modesty and chastity?), the aggressive campaign by some homosexual­s and their supporters denigratin­g those who uphold traditiona­l values is to be expected.

However, they fail to recognise the absurdity of a position whereby on the one hand they stridently demand to know what their ‘marriage’ has to do with anyone else, then on the other demand public recognitio­n for it.

By all means allow civil union and facilitate equality of outcomes for these couples, but leave marriage alone. Vote NO.

Peter Mackinlay, Geelong

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