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All the glory will go to the one who got into the mess of it and started racking up the mishaps, lessons and successes. So don’t worry about whether or not it’s too late. This is as good a start time as any.


Rumours travel in exciting ways. Usually they fly. Sometimes they leak. Rumours never plod along. What plods along isn’t juicy enough to be considered a rumour, nor will it qualify as news.


You would rather come up with a successful plan than have one presented to you. You would rather solve a problem then memorise the solutions of others. Learning is a process, not an answer.


You won’t find the time to work on the things you want to work on, but if you make the time – carve it out, declare it, keep it sacred – then you’ll have just as much as you willfully dedicated to the pursuit.


Remember the times when your thoughts, plus time and effort, resulted in altered reality, materialis­ation and transforma­tion? Today those thoughts will be harder to rein in, but you must.


Don’t worry about how to do it. You’re smart. The “how” won’t be a problem once you get the truly important questions answered, the most relevant one being “Why?”


The easy road will be uneventful, so choose something with more texture to it, though not so challengin­g as to cause you to become dishearten­ed. Some difficulti­es are more desirable than others.


Inventing yourself is much easier than reinventin­g yourself. Once people have an idea about you, it’s difficult to overwrite that. But new people will accept what you show them, so have a little fun with this.


Even though you come into the world with a certain framework, much of your story is a co-creation between you and the outside world. Never forget your ultimate free will. This is a day to exercise it.


A relationsh­ip will get on your nerves if you let it. No one is trying to irritate the other, but there are sticking points – friction that comes up again and again until someone’s resistance is rubbed away.


Gossip is dangerous. Steer clear of it. Make your mind up about people based on what you experience, not what you hear. Truly, people can poison your judgement with their opinions.


In your ambitious mood you believe that if it’s not getting better, it’s getting worse. Yours is a path of constant improvemen­t, accommodat­ed with the free resources you find today.

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