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No one succeeds alone. It may feel as though you are the only one putting in the big work and making the major sacrifices, but don’t forget about those whose past work made all of this possible.


The project will seem to drag on and on. Hopefully you’ll find a way to be fine with that, since this is still the middle of the long slog. Things that are worthwhile take time.


You can’t know what will make you happy in the next five years. The way the planets are today, you’ll be lucky to predict what’s going to make you happy in the next five minutes. But ideas are worth exploring.


Everything you do today will take courage. It will take courage to express yourself honestly, to show your work when you’re still learning and to take care of your many responsibi­lities. You’re brave.


Before you act, consider inaction: It’s a valid option today. Of course, it’s better if it’s the kind of inaction that takes patience and restraint instead of the kind that happens out of laziness and apathy.


If you could travel back in time to talk with the younger you, you’d do more than give yourself hot investment tips. You’d tell yourself to love more fully, too. So tell yourself now.


Overconfid­ence leads to folly and disappoint­ment is rooted in idealism, so a little bit of negative thinking might actually steer you to a better outcome than you could find through strictly positive thinking.


Yes, your moods are catching. But this isn’t just about mood. Everyone and everything you pass is affected by your energy. It is all changed by the subtle etheric pressure of your being.


Some are dismissive of what they don’t understand. Not you. You take the mystery and examine it. Maybe understand­ing will happen; maybe it won’t. But there’s a possibilit­y now where there wasn’t before.


Have you ever left a letter unopened because just holding it made you uncomforta­ble? Though it’s hard to say why, there are some things you just don’t want to know.


You can learn from books, but what makes a difference are mirrors. Not all mirrors are made of glass. Some are made of journal paper. Some are made of people who reflect back what they see in you.


It’s not about doing this right; it’s about doing the right things. To make sure you’re on track, ask the expert. Ask three, and check their answers against each other.

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