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Boots give children chance to do things


ROMA Boots founder and philanthro­pist Samuel Bistrian visited Geelong to give the US-based organisati­on’s first donation to disadvanta­ged children in Australia.

One hundred pairs of Roma Boots will go to children in need through Geelong Mums’ Jump In A Puddle packs.

Last year the volunteerp­owered Geelong Mums helped 3935 children by distributi­ng donated and repurposed children’s clothing and goods.

Helping impoverish­ed and disadvanta­ged children is at the heart of Roma Boots.

The company donates one pair for every set bought and its Give Poverty the Boot campaign has resulted in tens of thousands of boots donated across 25 countries.

“We believe this is the first of many donations to Geelong Mums,” said Mr Bistrian, who founded the Texas-based not-for-profit company in 2010.

“We are thrilled to launch Roma Boots in Geelong and we are thrilled to partner with Geelong Mums

“We understand they help impoverish­ed children. We want to be part of that; anything to give back.”

Geelong Mums’ acting general manager Kristina McMennemin said that among the families the notfor-profit was supporting were immigrants and refugees, who did not have access to the usual social supports, and families fleeing from domestic violence.

“In a lot of our cases it’s about emergency support,” Ms McMennemin said.

Geelong Mums works with agencies and case workers to support families in need.

“You are definitely having an impact on local families,” Ms McMennemin told Mr Bistrian.

Roma Boots’ Australian and New Zealand distributi­on will be led by Charle Lancaster, who co-founded the The Shop to Know in Pakington St.

“It feels great to be part of something that is having a positive impact on other’s people’s lives,” Mr Lancaster said.

 ?? Picture: TRAVIS HARRIES ?? PITCHING IN: Roma Boots’ founder Samuel Bistrian donates his boots to Geelong Mums’ Kristina McMennemin.
Picture: TRAVIS HARRIES PITCHING IN: Roma Boots’ founder Samuel Bistrian donates his boots to Geelong Mums’ Kristina McMennemin.

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