Geelong Advertiser



WHILE not wanting to be too cynical (which I am very good at) I must comment on Melva Stott’s advocacy of the charity she mentioned in her recent letter.

My informatio­n is that some 58,000 charities are in business in Australia — a phenomenal number, that one, and it is true that we see many of them soliciting donations on the streets of Geelong.

Many years ago, I discovered that the law relating to where charity bucks have to go is pretty lax.

At that time, only 11.5 per cent of charitable donations were required, by law, to go to the recipients of said charity — and that percentage was never rigidly enforced.

The rest could go on administra­tion, etc.

In those days, I wasn’t so cynical, and did donate, here and there; however now, with the legion of panhan- dlers we have to deal with, I ask a simple question: “How much does the CEO make, and how many people are on the board taking a salary?”

If they cannot tell me, I refuse to donate — and I always tell them that I help people that I know rather than giving to charities.

And I firmly subscribe to George Negus’ attitude. Negus never gave to charities, simply because he believes charities should not need to exist as the world is awash with money that is unfortunat­ely concentrat­ed into the hands of very few people.

I have long wanted to write, asking (Give Where You Live CEO) Bill Mithen what sort of salary he takes, and what the other paid positions at his charity fetch? If he earns any more than $60k, I think he is well overpaid.

Perhaps Bill would like to let us know? Gary Oraniuk, Geelong West

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