Geelong Advertiser

Thug breaches CBD ban


A BOOZED-UP thug has admitted brawling at Geelong’s Home House nightclub when he was supposed to be banned from the city’s licensed venues.

The three-person fight at the Moorabool St venue on April 15 was the second time police had caught Michael Vasilevski partying drunk in Geelong since he was banned last year.

It happened less than 12 weeks after he appeared in court for the first breach of the order, when he claimed he did not understand he was prohib- ited from pubs, nightclubs and other venues that serve grog in Geelong.

On both occasions the venues had scanned his identifica­tion on entry, apparently unaware he was banned.

He was fined by police for being drunk and riotous behaviour, and yesterday in the Geelong Magistrate­s’ Court was ordered to do 120 hours of community work as part of a community correction­s order.

Now 23, Vasilevski pleaded guilty to breaching his exclusion order yesterday.

But his lawyer told magistrate Brian Clifford there was little point fining him for his offences as he’d been fined in the past and had kept offending.

He said his client’s “undesirabl­e testamur” of “indefensib­le” offending “falls somewhere in the spectrum of recalcitra­nce and sheer stupidity”, saying the man’s regular court appearance­s were “rooted in excessive alcohol problems” that had become a “real burden on this man’s life”.

The defendant was less articulate when police interviewe­d him after the fight.

“When I drink I f--- up,” he told them. Asked about the fracas he said: “I have no memory of that night. I just remember waking up in the cells”.

 ??  ?? Michael Vasilevski
Michael Vasilevski

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