Geelong Advertiser

Faith no more

- Ross MUELLER Twitter: @TheMueller­Name

I FOLLOW Stephanie Asher (pictured) on Twitter.

Her approach always seems to be completely transparen­t.

This has been a refreshing approach to local government and one that has earned her plenty of votes.

I was pleased when she was elected to City of Greater Geelong council.

I have always seen Cr Asher as a prominent voice for independen­ce.

I thought she stood a good chance of being elected mayor by the councillor­s.

She had been a candidate for the position twice and clearly her independen­t status was attractive to the community.

The election of Bruce Harwood was a return to the faces of the past council.

His connection to the previous mayor was evident and it seemed like an opportunit­y for generation­al change had been lost.

The people of Geelong wanted to break the Liberal/Labor codificati­on of the council. This was clear in all the reports, the People’s Jury and the submission­s to the State Government.

Geelong voters want councillor­s who put Geelong first and politics second.

Cr Asher has spent a long time marketing herself as a person, not a party.

In the mayoral elections and her tilts at State Government, she has always been a proud independen­t. This is what identified her as a voice of reason in a murky sea of political self-interest.

When she stood against Richard Marles, she said: “As a true independen­t, I will make policy decisions and fight for issues based on what the community wants …”

Now, all of that has changed. This week the Geelong Advertiser revealed that Cr Asher is no longer a “true independen­t”.

Cr Asher is a member of the Liberal Party. This may come as a shock to some of her supporters in Bellarine. But Cr Asher has been a member of that party since the start of the year.

Despite this change in allegiance there has been no update on her Twitter profile, or her local government bio. No press release and no adjustment­s on local government websites. As portfolio holder for communicat­ions, this seems a little odd.

When Cr Asher last stood for council she had not spoken about any plans to jump ship and join the conservati­ves.

The announceme­nt is going to have an impact on the way this councillor is received in the region and so, for better or worse, on Tuesday Cr Asher took to Twitter and explained her decision: “I always said I’d join a party. I’m still progressiv­e, still an independen­t thinker. Local government has no place for party politics and nothing changes for me there. But making a difference at state or federal level is incredibly difficult as an independen­t.” From this, it is clear the councillor is looking to move beyond local government. The portfolio holder for communicat­ions is now hoping to join the ranks of Cr Ron Nelson and former councillor Andy Richards. Remember the last state election? Those guys brought politics into the chamber and then some.

The prominent Liberal/ Labor councillor­s took leave to wander the countrysid­e in search of greater career opportunit­ies. Neither was successful. Let’s not go back to that era again, please.

The best time to join the majors is when you have left the job you were elected to do.

Cr Asher sold her brand as being outside the mainstream, as “running your own race”.

She communicat­ed an image to the voting public that was attractive because it was not political.

From here on in, the Geelong public will have every reason to view each vote with the understand­ing that this councillor is a paid up member of a party.

We know now that Cr Asher has thrown her lot in with Peter Dutton and Tony Abbott.

Like the former prime minister she reserves the right to be an independen­t thinker in the chamber, but this is the party that got elected on the slogan; “Stop the Boats” not “Start your brain”.

Joining the Liberal Party midway through a term as an elected independen­t may change nothing for Stephanie Asher, but it changes the perception of transparen­cy. We’re not going to have a by-election, but there will be people feeling like they have lost their representa­tive in

Gheringhap St.

 ??  ?? Ross Mueller is a playwright and freelance director
Ross Mueller is a playwright and freelance director
 ??  ??

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