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Hardliner has a few fans


INDEPENDEN­T Geelong political candidate Gottfried “Goff” Wolf is running on a law and order platform with a headline policy to reinstate the death penalty, more than 40 years since it was abolished in Victoria. And what other policies does he have, once the major parties vote down his death wish nonsense? Glen Rouse

In theory yes there is a case for it, in practice it probably won’t work. In the USA people sentenced to death often spend up to 40 years on death row still costing taxpayers. Matty A Hoskin

Should be within 12 months of conviction. In this age of DNA, there wouldn’t be too many chances to appeal a death sentence. No chance of “reasonable doubt”. Ali Hazell

Completely agree with bringing it back. Justice system needs a massive overhaul. Kya Levett

Let’s not go backwards. Let’s just deport these morons with NO RETURN stamped on the forehead. Carmel Campbell

Just make a life sentence an actual life sentence. Don’t let repeat offenders of major crimes out and castrate/ tracking microchip all pedophiles if you are even stupid enough to let them back out after the first time. Alisha Gottwaltz

He’s got my vote, love his passion. Craig McMillan

The death penalty cannot be justified. Our justice system cannot be infallible, some innocent people will be put to death again if we bring it back. Joel Kviz

Maybe we could give the death penalty to people for vandalisin­g pub- lic property with campaign propaganda? Matt Lamp

Absolutely. For the most Atrocious crimes. Get them off this earth. Sue Gladman Holmes

Most of the comments here just goes to show how little effort people put into deciding how they cast their vote. Sickening. Sally Parker

Whoever you are Mr, I am voting for you. Barb Hamann

Good on you, someone with sense. Loreena Aquarius

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