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Sam on road for big ride


is a IF playing football comes as naturally to Sam Menegola as riding a bike, it is because he happens to have been doing both for a long time.

Menegola has signed up for the 65km version of the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race people’s ride next year, and has been using cycling as part of his rehab from an off-season knee scope.

But even in full training, the 26-year-old says jumping on the bike and riding through some of the most scenic parts of the state has been an escape from football that has been greatly beneficial.

“I’ll see how I’m feeling at the end of January whether I can actually get through 60km, but it’s a cool little event and anything to support cycling around Geelong and that community is cool to be a part of,” Menegola said.

“They are running a great event and I just wanted to have a go at it. I started when I was 12 back home following dad around on the bike and I did some racing in my teens when I could fit it in around footy, and I still just love getting out on the bike once or twice a week when I can.

“As footy heats up it is more of a recovery thing, but in the off-season it is a good crosstrain­ing activity and it is a good escape from footy and it is something that I enjoy doing.”

The Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race runs across the Australia Day weekend, with the people’s ride held on Saturday before the elite women’s event. The elite men’s event is on Sunday.

Menegola was unsure how many other Geelong players would take part in the ride but said he had been trying to encourage his teammates to join him on his rides.

“I love riding the Great Ocean Road, from Anglesea but particular­ly Fairhaven through Lorne and Wye River, and those sort of areas, it is just amazing riding,” he said.

“If I get time I just chuck the bike in the boot and drive down there and head off from Fairhaven.

“We have had ‘Blitz’ get on board lately, Jackson Thurlow was right into it but we lost him, and Rhys Stanley and ‘Hendo’ and a few others are looking at getting into it, so I’m slowly building a peloton.”

The Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race is still taking registrati­ons, and interested parties can sign up online.

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