Geelong Advertiser




You’re not asking much out of this day, but you would like to know that you’ve made a difference in the experience of others. You’ll get the feedback you desire.


There was a time when it took extra energy to be thoughtful and considerat­e. But, that was when you were still learning how you wanted to operate in the world. Now it takes no energy. It’s just who you are. You pay attention to the tone of interactio­ns and try to raise the energy level, if only just a little so that you’re always leaving people in a better mood than they were in when you started.


While it may feel like you’re giving more love and attention to someone than you’re getting back, that’s only if you’re capping off the count at the end of the day. Extend the deadline.


There are more moving parts today, but don’t let it overwhelm you. The only moving part you need to concern yourself with is your own; you can trust that it will connect beautifull­y where it’s supposed to.


People respect your power because you use it quietly, applying influence only where you really think it is necessary, and where it will do the most good for the situation. The third eye is the one that sees what’s really important. But, it’s vision can vary in accuracy. It will be interestin­g to write down your prediction­s so you can look back later and track what you got right.


Sure, you have your preference­s – certain people you care to be around more than others – but you see things to love in many people around you today. Do you think it’s possible to love everyone?


Your mind doesn’t always fire off thoughts that create the neural pathways to feeling good, but today you’ll take hold of the situation and feed it what it needs to get favourable chemistry going.


Doing what you don’t want to do because you feel you should is the most direct route to wasted time. Your best bet is to either figure out a better reason to follow through, or bail fast. Don’t worry about success or winning or anything along the lines of gaining approval. The only approval you need now is your own. Honest contemplat­ion is in store. Can you still stand behind your choice?


Mostly, things are going in your favour, and will continue to do so, as you show more enthusiasm for your good fortune, however small it may seem.

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