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Cheesemake­rs blue over trade deal


AUSTRALIAN food and drink producers have been given the chance to vent their spleens about a push from the European Union that would force them to re-name some of their products.

The EU wants protection­s for food and drink brands in its region, under a proposed free trade deal with Australia.

Were it successful, Australian feta makers could be forced to refer to their cheese as “Australian feta” and local spirit distillers would need to avoid using the term “scotch”.

Packaging might also need to be changed for some Australian products, such as mozzarella cheese, so it doesn’t look too similar to European brands.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham says there is no guarantee the deal will go ahead. “We will only do with a deal with the EU if it’s in Australia’s national interest to do so,” he said yesterday. “What we will do is drive the best possible bargain.”

The Federal Government will consult with industries likely to be impacted by the changes over the next three months.

Senator Birmingham expects they won’t be concerned about many of the 400-odd terms the EU has taken issue with — given their specificit­y — but will struggle with others.

“There are some that are a bit more generic of their nature, such as feta, and I think we will have to work hard, negotiate hard with the EU.”

Labor frontbench­er Jason Clare expects dairy farmers will be “on edge” about the proposed changes.

“They will have to work through all of those difficult issues on that list,” he said.

The EU is already Australia’s second-largest trading partner, third-largest export destinatio­n and second-largest services export market.

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