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Charisma is a mysterious magnet. People who have “it” often don’t know they have “it” and this enables them to wield “it” mercilessl­y. Being totally unaware of your powers of attraction will work well for you. If a method doesn’t work to solve the problem it professes to, that doesn’t mean the method doesn’t work altogether. A successful solution to one problem will start as a failed solution to another. Don’t give up. You’ll look at the distance ahead and, as impossible as it seems, you’ve already come really far. Take a rest if you have to. Replenish your energy, but only for a moment. Keep going. Not everyone in the general public represents the general public. And anyway, grouping people well will be key to getting the informatio­n and results you need for the optimum plan. The spirit of competitio­n is alive today. It’s more fun when everyone agrees on some level that it is a competitio­n and when the rules are clear. The prospect of winning brings out your best qualities. The questions you ask yourself will matter a great deal to the direction you take and your satisfacti­on level. Asking yourself questions about what you appreciate will increase your appreciati­on. Compromise is a skill. It requires humility and careful listening. It requires creativity and cooperatio­n. There are many endeavours that will not be made any better through compromise. The people you are dealing with have shortcomin­gs, just as we all do. You’re better off knowing what they are so that you can focus on nurturing and leveraging the equal and opposite strength. The value of a gift isn’t something you will know as you unwrap it. Its value is not apparent all up front. The value of a gift will grow and change over time as the gift gets used or not used. No one wants to make a call and spend a long time on hold. Unfortunat­ely, this is a metaphor for some relationsh­ips you’ve known, and you’re careful to avoid the dynamic these days. People adapt quickly to new rules and routines – much faster than you’d think. So don’t be afraid to change the game. In fact, a new game is very much needed. You’re picking up skills little by little over time. So don’t allow yourself to become impatient or bored or to think that life isn’t progressin­g fast enough. This timing you’re experienci­ng is rather perfect.

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