
Balance the excess of summer

Our top tips for surviving the silly season and beyond.

- Words Julie Fergusson, Naturopath

The summer months are upon us. Hooray! The days are getting longer and brighter, and that Kiwi summer vibe we know and love is starting to return. Summer BBQs commence with vigour, Christmas festivitie­s somehow start in November, and the social calendar fills up.

It’s an amazing time to be in New Zealand with family and friends, but social events and the excess that comes with them can take a toll on your body. Here’s how to stay well.

1. Look after your liver

The liver performs essential detoxifyin­g tasks; the condition of our blood is mostly reliant on the health of our liver. It actively cleans the blood every day, helping clear away detrimenta­l substances, and also aids in hormone production, detoxifies the body, supplies glucose to give our body steady energy and releases bile into our small intestine so fat can be absorbed from foods. So a liver that’s not in good working order can cause many problems. When we overindulg­e, this puts extra strain on the liver as it works harder to protect us. Milk Thistle is a great supplement to take around this time as it helps to support the liver.

2. Nourish the gut

Your gastrointe­stinal tract is an ecosystem for bacteria and microbes known as gut microbiota. This is essential for digestion, immune-system function and much more. A healthy diet can positively influence the growth and maintenanc­e of these bacteria; a lesshealth­y diet, including refined sugar and alcohol, can cause gas, bloating and brain fog, and affect your ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Take a probiotic to help counter the effects of indulgence.

3. Get some sleep

All those parties, BBQs and weddings keep us up late, and if we’re still working, we become drained. Getting a good amount of sleep is imperative to surviving the silly season. If you’re struggling, try a sleep supplement. Red Seal’s Deep Sleep with Magnesium supports deep, restful sleep. Bliss!

4. Lighten the load

Overindulg­ence and heavy meals can make you feel sluggish, so lighten other meals to bring back some balance. Breakfast is usually the easiest time to do this. Breakfast smoothies pack a whole lot of goodness into your day: try adding avocado to a smoothie with protein powder, kale, banana, berries and almond milk.

5. Drink tea

A cup of peppermint tea after a big meal can aid digestion. In the warmer months, brew it hot then chill it down and add ice and fresh mint - an after dinner mint in a glass! Make iced fruit tea for a no sugar alternativ­e to fizzy drinks. These also make delicious cocktail bases too!

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