Great Health Guide


How to improve your sexual relationsh­ip with your partner

- Dr Matthew Anderson

Over the last 40 years I have asked over 2000 women clients this question:

Why don’t you want to have sex with your husband?

They have shared many reasons but those reasons ALL fall into two simple and distinct categories. I have decided to share the reasons in the hope my men and women readers will pay attention, make a few changes and be happier.

Feminine is always attracted to masculine:

Every intimate, loving relationsh­ip, whether straight or gay, has a masculine and a feminine. It seems that this is a Law of Relationsh­ips and cannot be avoided. In heterosexu­al couples, generally the man displays the masculine energy and the woman the feminine. Gay couples always have one partner who is more masculine and the other more feminine. Whether straight or gay, the feminine is attracted to the masculine and vice versa. When an imbalance occurs, dysfunctio­n follows. If, for example, a woman displays too little feminine energy for her man, he loses interest. When a man displays too little masculine energy for his woman, she loses interest.

What follows are reasons or examples of things that men do or don’t do, which cause loss of sexual interest by their partners. Most, if not all, can be connected to two basic reasons, too little masculine energy and behavior or too much childishne­ss.

Reason 1: You don’t act like a man: What do I mean by ‘you don’t act like a man’? I mean your woman, the one you want to be sexually attracted to you, sees your behavior and your attitudes. She thinks you are too wimpy, too neurotic, too careful, not assertive enough, too much of a whiner, not protective of her, don’t take the lead enough, too often anxious and indecisive, boring,


run away from conflict, too passive, lack passion, lack self-respect, too much of a nice guy when you need to be tough, avoid dealing with difficult people and situations and don’t take risks.

Notice, I did not say, you don’t make enough money or are not is great shape. These may be a factor in extreme circumstan­ces but they are not in the top 20 reasons why she does not respond to you.

Yes, we are in an age that encourages men to be more sensitive, vulnerable and feeling aware. Those qualities may make her like or even love you but they will not make you attractive. Your woman wants a man, a real man and not a wimp. I know this is hard to hear but you want to attract her to you. If you want her to be excited about you, get turned on and ready to be the best lover you ever had, you need to read the list above and face the facts. DO NOT, DO NOT, become defensive and start listing the ways you are not, the way she thinks you are. Being defensive is another guaranteed way to not make you attractive to her.

So here is an even harder question: Are you man enough to face the truth about your level of manliness and make positive changes? If you are and if you want more sex, pay attention and make some manly decisions. It takes courage.

It takes real courage to face one’s inadequaci­es, especially as it relates to being a man and do something positive about them. Remember, courage is a big turn on for your woman.

Reason 2: You don’t act like an adult, continues in the following issue of Great Health Guide TM magazine, June 2017.

Reverend Matthew Anderson has a Doctor of Ministry specialisi­ng in counsellin­g and has extensive training and experience in Gestalt and Jungian Psychology. He has helped many couples and singles successful­ly navigate relationsh­ip issues. He has a best-selling book, The Resurrecti­on of Romance. Matthew may be contacted through his website.

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 ??  ?? These two basic reasons apply to over 95% of men.
These two basic reasons apply to over 95% of men.
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