Guitar Techniques

VARIATION6 13th/9th Stabs


If the pumping four-to -the- bar feel of our Count Basie style 10th voicing variation (#3) could be described as reminiscen­t of a pianist’s left hand, then the variation we see here, based around middle and high extended chord stabs, could be seen as the guitarist’s answer to what our ivory tickler’s other hand might do. In many ways this chorus can also be perceived as the logical extension to our introducto­ry section based on 3rd and 7th intervals, as these form the foundation for many of the chords used here. The concept of voice leading is continued onto the upper extensions of each chord. It would be a great idea to follow the melodic journey of the notes along each single string to see this in action, and get the beautiful logic of it firmly ingrained. Also, ensure that you can justify and rationalis­e each extension against each chord symbol throughout the sequence. Analysis of this kind will benefit your knowledge of intervals and tremendous­ly strengthen your connection between harmony and melody.

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