Guitar Techniques

Example 3 nonchord tones …CONTINUED


If you’ve followed this series on neo- classical rock so far, you’ll see that we are merely playing different inversions of the same arpeggios simultaneo­usly: because triadic arpeggios are based on stacked 3rds, one inversion higher is the

≥≥ same as a 3rd higher, and two inversions higher is the same as a 6th higher. It is for this reason that 3rds and 6ths are also inversions of each other: playing a 3rd higher will produce the same notes as when playing a 6th lower (only they will be an octave apart); conversely, playing a 6th higher will generate the same notes as

≥≥ a 3rd lower; (although, again, they will be in a different octave).

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