Guitar Techniques

EXAMPlE3 Chorus of BLues In f


This example features a chorus of a slow blues in F, with Stern sitting back throughout. He starts in F Minor Pentatonic over the F7, then takes the same idea down a whole step, coming down Eb Minor Pentatonic over the Bb7 and implying Gm and F over the change back to F7/C. He then moves up an F# major arpeggio on beats 3 and 4 over the F7/C, suggesting Cm7 over the F7 and C#m over the B7, and resolving to Bb Mixolydian on the Bb7. He appears to be treating the Bdim7 as C7, playing C Altered (or Half-Whole Diminished) over it resolving to the 3rd (A) on the F7 and moving down F Mixolydian over the F7/C and E7 chords. Over the Am7b5 he seems to outline F7, D7 and Gm7, then F and D7b9 over the D7 resolving to the minor 3rd (Bb) on the Gm7 and moving to C7 on beat 3, then C Altered over the Db7 and C7 and anticipate­s the resolution to F7 over the final turnaround.

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