Guitar Techniques

String Skipping

Don’t be a chicken. Beef up your chops with Andy Saphir’s string skipping licks and you’ll be able to make mincemeat of your contempora­ries!


In thIs month’s Chops shop we’re continuing with the string skipping technique, only this time incorporat­ing exercises involving six-string chord skipping ideas, as well as intervalli­c concepts such as 6ths and 10ths. As seen in last month’s lesson, string skipping can present some technical challenges with both the fretting and the picking hand, so a considered approach is necessary. In all of the following examples, I suggest alternate picking throughout, but if you feel more comfortabl­e using another approach that’s fine, as long as it’s not haphazard, and you consider what might be appropriat­e for each of these exercises, and ultimately your own licks. For best results they should all be played at a slow tempo at first, and with a metronome.

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