Guitar Techniques

ExAmpleS 10-note strinG-pair cells


example 1 even though quintuplet­s are used here, you should find them features notes that are duplicated on each string (D and e notes). relatively easy to play because of the fingering layout on each string. When example 2 This example features a mixture of odd-note groupings (nine playing four notes per string it’s quite difficult to get a gap between the notes per beat, seven notes per beat) as well as straight 16th-note triplets.

sL middle two fingers, so this particular shape (see Diagram above), which is The secret is to practise targeting the note at the start of each beat at a

str√etLch fiLngers. alGsoUIuTs­AeRd iTnEeCxH2,NeIxQ3U, as it oSnHlyArUe­qNu'iSresCaREA­TIrVelEati­GveUlyITsA­loRw tempo before building up to the demo speed. When doing

thÏ semitone between the ecoÏnd andÏ ird each string-pair cell this, aim to space the notes in between as evenly as possible.


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