Guitar Techniques

ExAMpLE billie joe armstronG


[BaGr I’ve elected to usSettuhae­rpt'isckAacs Joe does. Keep a relaxed grip on and ensure there is no tension in the wrist. [Bar 4] Watch out for the strummed D5 chord at the end of this bar, it can be difficult going from accurate single note picking to a loose strum like this one. Consequent­ly don’t worry too much if you find yourself hitting some strings that aren’t notated, in this key they will sound fine! [Bar 9] The A9sus4 chord and the G6/D aren’t an example of how Billie Joe would get Jazz/Gospel voicings into his playing! Rather these open strings are just being used to facilitate swift chord changes to the next shape and again we see how open strings sound fine in this particular key.

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