Guitar Techniques



The a minor Pentatonic scale isn’t the only scale that you can use over this lesson’s backing track; however, we’re going to stick to it throughout for the purposes of this lesson. The solo study features a considerab­le amount of lateral motion (shifting along the length of the guitar neck) and is a great way extending your ideas by providing thematic developmen­t within your solos. Finally, note that this lesson’s technical study is not supposed to represent a well-balanced solo. Instead, it is a pretty unrelentin­g succession of three-note-per-string a minor Pentatonic idea: so, it’s more of a technical workout than a musical piece.

We start off by employing some lateral motion up the length of the guitar neck on the fifth and sixth strings using picking and fretting-hand tapping in conjunctio­n with fretting-hand legato. don’t be put off by the five-note groupings (quintuplet­s) played on the first and third beats of each bar. simply target the tap at the start of the following beat and the quintuplet­s should take care of themselves as long as you play them evenly.

although tagged seamlessly onto the previous phrase, this example, which comprises consecutiv­e 1-2-3 units, should be considered as a usable and independen­t line in its own right. This is a good example of how fresh a common scale sequence can sound when it’s applied to a pattern that incorporat­es string skips.

a good example of how fresh a common scale sequence can sound when it’s applied to a pattern that incorporat­es string skips.

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