Guitar Techniques



Here we see one of Petrucci’s specialiti­es: alternate picking through a three-note-per-string scale at lightning speed! Over the C# minor chord, think of this as C# Phrygian (C#-D-E-F#-G#-A-B] shape two, since it starts on the second note ‘D’. Break the lick into smaller segments of six notes each and practise them individual­ly. Use alternate picking so, for each six notes, you start with a downstroke and end with an upstroke, to make connecting them a smooth process. Use your neck pickup for a warm, rock tone. The final section of the solo comprises long sustaining notes. Add warmth by selecting neck pickup and add a slow vibrato. The final chorus is 16 bars instead of eight. Play the first eight bars, including first time ending, then repeat the first seven bars but this time play the second-time ending. Note the chorus has an F# minor tonality in contrast to the major mood found in the verses and pre choruses. The final bar is a quarter-note triplet rhythm, which means there are three equal notes in the space where there are usually two quarter notes.

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