Guitar Techniques

Example1 G11, Gm11, F/G (as G11), Gm11 in five shapes


Set 1. G11 chord shapes containing root-3- 11 (no 9th). Set 2. Gm11 chord shapes containing root- 11 (no 9th). Set 3. G11 as F/G (F major triad over G root): root- 9-11). These are the upper extensions of G Mixolydian harmony (7-9-11) giving you a very musical set of shapes. Interestin­gly, these can also work as minor (Dorian) chords as there is no 3rd heard, but they still ‘sound’ dominant. Set 4. Gm11. By using a instead of the root and the lowest note, the chord can sound very rich ( 9-11) – let the bass player earn his keep!

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