Guitar Techniques

Examples mixing major and minor tonalities

cd track 34


Example 3 The majority of this Larry Carlton-influenced line occurs within CAGED shape #2. Here, C# (major 3rd of A) is approached from a semi-tone below via a C note (minor 3rd of A) in three separate octaves: on the first string, the third string and the sixth string. Also note the inclusion of a chromatic note Bb), ( which is used as a bridging note between A and B on the fourth string.

Example 4 In this shape #3 line, the C# from the first string has been brought down to the second string for physical ease when playing this particular line. There is the usual interplay from minor to major (via a C to C# note). Also,

Eb b5) although the ( on the first string can be seen as coming from A minor Blues scale, it’s really just part of a chromatic ascent from one chord tone (C#,

Eb, the major 3rd of A7) to another (E, the 5th of A7); in this case, C#, D, E.

Example 5 The same chromatic motion occurs in this other shape #3 line. This particular one is dominated by chord tones (1, 3, 5 and b7) and, despite the major start, ends up with a minor finish courtesy of the A minor Blues scale.

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