Guitar Techniques



[Bars 1 – 15] The opening triplets are played with alternatin­g first finger and picking hand thumb, starting with the first finger so that the thumb lands on the first beat of the bar giving it a slight accent. At bar 4 the triplets are ‘strummed’ across the two lowest strings with the first finger only. The first of each triplet is played with an upstroke, giving the whole beats a stronger downstroke. This continues into bar 5 across three strings.

[Bar 6] The melody is straight forward. At bar 7 the fretting hand’s second finger can remain in contact with the third string for the whole bar. On the last D note of bar 8, let go of the barre and play the D with the tip of the first finger for an easy shift to the C chord in the next bar. Watch out for the grace notes at bars 8 and 12 – the first is a hammer and the second is a slide. Triplets occur again at bar 13 with indicated picking hand fingering for tidy technique.

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