Guitar Techniques

Brett Garsed Masterclas­s pt 6(of 8)

Brett Garsed demonstrat­es secrets of his lead style as he tackles a solo over Jason’s track King Bee. Jon Bishop is your musical guide.


This month sees our sixth instalment of our jumbo eight-part video master class series with Australian legato legend Brett Garsed. This time we are turning up the fun factor with a medium-paced backing track to navigate as we look at tackling Jason’s track entitled King Bee. As Brett explains this one doesn’t have so many chord changes, making it a good fun jam. The tonality is mainly B Natural Minor (B-C#-D-E-F#-G-A) for the verse and chorus and then shifts to a rather nice F Lydian style sound in the bridge. F Lydian (F-G-A-B-CD-E) is the fourth mode of the C Major scale. This means they share the same notes so you can simply play the notes of the C Major scale and get the same effect.

We have written out fingerings for the B Minor scale and F Lydian mode to get you started. Typically musical, Brett starts his solo with some well-measured motifs. These question and answer style motifs are a nicely spaced introducti­on to the solo.

As usual the legato sound is very much in evidence, so there are plenty of hammer-ons and pull-offs to look out for. Brett also uses lots of finger slides to make the melodies come to life. You can slide into a note from below or above and this provides a cool tension and release factor. Brett also slides off notes at the end of a phrase which acts very much like a punctuatio­n point (an elipsis) at the end of a sentence.

The rhythm subdivisio­ns are nicely mixed up, too, which keeps the listener’s interest at all times. The use of triplets also break up the standard semi-quaver lines nicely and this, again, adds interest and helps release the tension. As ever the backing track and video of Brett’s performanc­e are included. It’s well worth studying his technique and fingerings closely as there are many lessons to be learned from the great man - his creativene­ss is incredible. The faster lines will benefit from being tackled slowly at first. Learning the solo verbatim and being able to play it at performanc­e tempo is a very worthwhile goal, but one that may take some time. Have fun, see you in instalment seven!

The chorus has an Iron Maiden style gallo ping rhythm whic h brought back many memories . Up the irons ! Brett Garsed NEXT MONTH Brett takes a beautiful clean slide solo over Jason’s track Back In The Day

 ??  ?? Brett Garsed continues his eight-part video series
Brett Garsed continues his eight-part video series
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