
ServiSol WitH a SMile


Another essential for any player is a can of switch-cleaning lubricant, such as Servisol Super 10. If you have a scratchy lever or blade pickup selector switch, attach the nozzle to the can and squirt some of the cleaner into the switch and move it rapidly from side to side. If your pots need a clean, you can squirt it into the pot’s inner workings and rotate rapidly. Crackly output on one of your pedals? A squirt and a rapid in/out insertion of a jack plug can often cure it. Another use is as a string cleaner. After a long gig you forget to wipe your strings down and so the strings can feel old and can be caked with gunk. Squirt some Servisol onto a paper towel and then rub the towel vigorously up and down each string. Squirt some more cleaner onto the towel (not your guitar) and continue to clean.

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