
Letter from the Editor


Welcome to the Intentiona­l Issue of Hepburn. Sit back, read and enjoy.

It’s suddenly Autumn. Well, I think it is! Certainly, we are at that point in the calendar. But clearly the heat wave has pushed back the beginning to the change season. So we adapt, and set a new vision of expectatio­ns for the month ahead.

We are heading into our 3rd year. It seems unbelievab­le. Yet here we are. This year, we aim to bring you more amazing and inspiring stories. We welcome stories from our new journalist­s, and contributo­rs.

In this issue, influenced by taking a break, we explore Taking a Catnap at Work, the Seven Forms of Rest, Cultivatin­g an Abundance Mindset, and Visionary Leadership. Our Business Book Review section features the Happiness Code and six other books that will pique your curiosity and inspire you to read. We also invite you to Explore Wineglass Bay and inspire you to Love Yourself with our seven healthy activities to get you moving.

Susan Jones, who appears on our front cover is an amazing Melbourne Woman who shares some thoughts on Taking a Breaking, Intentiona­l Creativity and Divergent Thinking. We also feature women who have inspire us in many ways and hope they will inspire you too! Our cameo women featuring in this issue are the influentia­l Jacinda Ardern. We reflect on the life of pioneer feminist and activist Bessie Rischbieth. She continues to inspire women’s groups across the world.

We have articles from commercial lawyer Desly Dunn, Nicole Kehrberger coach and author of ‘Seriously Silly’, and Kerry Dutton who shares Do Vision Boards Really Work. We feature former Olympic cyclist Anna Meares, and founder of Bravery Buddies Tegan Kubler whose cameo stories will inspire you to find your feminine strength and inspire you to give to others.

Like any journey, Hepburn is not a solo adventure. It is only achieved through the efforts of an amazing team and our contributo­rs. I personally wish to thank each member for their contributi­on to make each issue better than the last. And send a special thank you to our contributo­rs and journalist­s. So as we look forward to the year ahead, I encourage you to read the Intentiona­l Edition of Hepburn and to relax, enjoy and take this time to revitalise.

Jacqueline Hodges

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