Home Beautiful

Classic elegance

There’s a place for everything in this zone


When homeowner Michaela and her husband, Rhys, bought their 1940s cottage near Perth, they knew major work lay ahead of them. At the heart of the home would be Michaela’s dream kitchen – inviting, spacious and classic. Keeping mess and clutter out of sight was at the top of the priority list. “I am not a huge fan of cooking but when

I do have a go, I make a huge mess, so somewhere to hide everything out of sight was a must,” she says.

Fortunatel­y, she found a like-minded interior designer in Kristie Hill of Colour Cube Interiors in Perth. Kristie had practical and stylish solutions for the Hamptons-style space. “By pushing the kitchen out we were able to include a scullery at the back with an extra sink and washing area,” says Kristie. Other clever features include carefully planned custom cabinetry. “I was able to tailor each cupboard and drawer size to suit its purpose,” says Michaela. “The drawer below the appliance cupboard perfectly fits the coffee, tea and cups, while the KitchenAid and ice-cream maker have a dedicated drawer that not only fits them but also includes a smaller drawer within for all the extra parts.”

The cool colour scheme is complement­ed with modern, yet timeless accessorie­s, and there’s also a handy office nook built into the cabinetry. “I just cannot believe how something that lived in my mind as a ‘dream kitchen’ is actually right there in front of me,” says Michaela.

 ??  ?? MATERIALS Beautiful finishes, including the Smartstone in Statuario Venato (right) and a splashback studded with Soho Mosaics in Ice from Armanti Tiles & Bathware, contribute to the timeless appeal of the kitchen and are offset by walls painted in Brume from Dulux. A Perrin & Rowe ‘Country’ tap in Pewter from The English Tapware Company (top right) has a traditiona­l feel, yet delivers thoroughly modern filtered water.
MATERIALS Beautiful finishes, including the Smartstone in Statuario Venato (right) and a splashback studded with Soho Mosaics in Ice from Armanti Tiles & Bathware, contribute to the timeless appeal of the kitchen and are offset by walls painted in Brume from Dulux. A Perrin & Rowe ‘Country’ tap in Pewter from The English Tapware Company (top right) has a traditiona­l feel, yet delivers thoroughly modern filtered water.
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