
Camilla d’Errico

We drop in on Studios, in Gastown, Vancouver, to see what makes the Canadian artist tick

- Camilla is a Canadian comic book illustrato­r, painter and visual artist. To see more visit www.camillader­

My studio is my sanctuary. I have an incredible corner space that has water and mountain views. I look out on to North Vancouver and watch the cruise ships sail by and dogs playing in the park across the street.

When inspiratio­n hits, I’m a slave to it. I’d be the hardest person to stalk, because I keep such strange hours. Some days I arrive before most people have woken up, often leaving long after they’re asleep.

Summer or winter, I’m always sipping tea when I work. It’s part of my routine. I go through emails and organise my projects and appearance schedule with my assistant. I love speaking to fans online. It’s inspiratio­nal to read people’s comments and see what other artists are posting. The rest of my day is spent working: drawing or painting, based on how I’m feeling that day.

I never force creativity, unless I’m on deadline. Some weeks all I want to do is paint. Then I’ll be in a mad rush to complete a drawing project, pulling a few all-nighters to make my deadline. If I could focus my mind to be creative when I wanted it to, It’d be a lot less chaotic.

Speaking of chaotic, my work space is usually quite messy. I often have books everywhere, drawings and reference scattered on my desk. It’s both unnerving and energising. Images pop into my head when I’m jogging or having a coffee with friends and I immediatel­y sketch them out when I get back. A lot of my ideas are rubbish, so I don’t always follow through. The story appears to me as I create it. It’s a very mysterious process. Even to me.

 ??  ?? I have filing cabinets to keep my drawings organised. In each of the drawers I have pages and illustrati­ons of various old and current projects. There’s also an entire drawer full of imagery that I’ve collected from magazines or prints.
I have filing cabinets to keep my drawings organised. In each of the drawers I have pages and illustrati­ons of various old and current projects. There’s also an entire drawer full of imagery that I’ve collected from magazines or prints.
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