
Welcome to a time of reflection


Hello friends. A few things I’ve read this issue have made me pause and reflect. Firstly, that my love for this community grows ever more when I see a group of artists rallying round to help Allen Williams. Turn to page 29 for more.

But in particular, In-Ah Roediger’s interview (page 42) resonates with my own experience­s of life and work. She talks openly about the pressures of working all hours in the animation industry and I identify with her drive and determinat­ion to succeed. But I’m also struck by the sacrifices made in pursuit of a job or hobby we adore.

While having a passion can be fulfilling, if left unchecked it can take over your life and cause more harm than good. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard of near-burnout experience­s from artist friends who’ve worked 24/7 on project after project, only stopping to take stock when faced with a trip to the doctors or hospital.

I’m grateful to do something I love. But it’s intense and allconsumi­ng. I need an outlet. I’ve finally learned to force myself to unplug from my desk at a regular hour, go home and do something else. For me it’s cooking. Preparing a meal from scratch (okay, and devouring it, too…) enables me to zone out and relax.

Try to focus on what activity unplugs you – exercise, friends, TV… whatever! If your passion is taking up all your time, stressing you out, or making you ill, it’s gone too far. Recognise this and find another outlet. Your art will thank you for it.

Claire Howlett, Editor

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